
Study links groundwater with surface water in Devils River

A Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) study provides detailed models linking groundwater in a Texas aquifer to the surface flows in one of the state's most pristine rivers. The study shows how karstic pathways of the Edwards-Trinity ...

Male mice found able to bias gender ratios of offspring

An international team of researchers has discovered that contrary to conventional views, a male mammal was found able to exert inadvertent gender bias ratios in his offspring. In their paper published in the journal Proceedings ...

Fighting mucosal bacteria in the battle against cystic fibrosis

Michael Maiden, a Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine student and doctoral candidate in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, was recently awarded a traineeship from the Cystic Fibrosis ...

Silicon solves problems for next-generation battery technology

Silicon – the second most abundant element in the earth's crust – shows great promise in Li-ion batteries, according to new research from the University of Eastern Finland. By replacing graphite anodes with silicon, it ...

Biofuel breakthroughs bring 'negative emissions' a step closer

The use of biofuels helps reduce human greenhouse gas emissions. That's one reason why some petroleum companies offer petrol containing up to 10% ethanol (a biofuel). But if we are to have any real chance of avoiding catastrophic ...

NO2– not as bad as we thought?

Air pollution has been found to cause hundreds of thousands of deaths every year around the world. As a result, there has been growing public concern about the health impacts of roadside air pollution – especially in the ...

Developing a forecast system for Atlantic albacore tuna

Fish population dynamics models are essential tools used to estimate fishing impact and provide key indicators of exploitation. A EU-funded project is helping to provide a new generation of models harnessing the progress ...

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