
Webb telescope gets 'golden touch'

(Phys.org) -- NASA technology does some amazing things. Imagine taking one-tenth of an ounce of gold and spreading it so thin that it completely coats something over four feet in diameter. That's what scientists and engineers ...

New Mars rover digitally designed and tested

NASA scientists used software from Siemens to help create the new Mars rover Curiosity, which is currently on its way to Mars. The 900-kilogram rover is the largest Mars vehicle to date. It will reach the red planet on August ...

Researchers measure the electrical charge of nano particles

Nano particles are a millionth of a millimeter in size, making them invisible to the human eye. Unless, that is, they are under the microscope of Prof. Madhavi Krishnan, a biophysicist at the University of Zurich. Prof. Krishnan ...

New study identifies success factors of extraordinary CIOs

A just completed multi-year research project by the Fisher CIO Leadership Program at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business has uncovered the most important, role specific career success factors of chief information officers.

Tomb of Maya prince discovered in Mexico

Archaeologists from the Department of Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn have been excavating for the past four years together with the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History in the Maya ...

'Sensing' danger

European researchers developed a novel gas sensor capable of detecting trace amounts of dangerous explosives with minimal false alarms. The technology should be important to a variety of gas separation and detection applications.

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