
It's official: dogs really do imitate their owners

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists studying imitative behavior have found that, just like people, dogs learn quickest by automatic imitation. Apart from the budgerigar, this is the first time automatic imitation has been demonstrated ...

Living with a Rising Giant

How do Americans feel about the rise of China and its dominance in the world?

Greening the Moon and Mars

Future missions to the Moon or Mars could use plants as bio-harvesters to extract valuable elements from the alien soils.

Judge: FWS plan excluded possible lynx habitat

(AP) -- A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service arbitrarily excluded "critical habitat" that could be occupied by the elusive Canada lynx.

Expo shows illegal pet trade rampant in Indonesia

(AP) -- The most threatened tortoise in the world is being sold openly at a plant and animal exposition in the heart of Indonesia's capital, highlighting concerns about the rampant - and growing - illegal pet trade.

Australia govt expands proposed broadband network

(AP) -- Australia's government expanded its ambitious plan to bring broadband to much of the vast country, adding 300,000 homes and businesses to the coverage area Friday in hopes of winning votes in next month's federal ...

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