
A white dwarf living on the edge

Astronomers have discovered the smallest and most massive white dwarf ever seen. The smoldering cinder, which formed when two less massive white dwarfs merged, is heavy, "packing a mass greater than that of our Sun into a ...

Phase transitions lead to new advanced materials

Believe it or not, steel has something in common with bacterial appendages: they can both undergo a special type of physical transformation that remains puzzling. Now, researchers from Japan and China have used direct microscopic ...

Thinking in 3D improves mathematical skills

Spatial reasoning ability in small children reflects how well they will perform in mathematics later. Researchers from the University of Basel recently came to this conclusion, making the case for better cultivation of spatial ...

Extreme events: Ecosystems offer cost-effective protection

Decision-makers around the world are increasingly interested in using ecosystem solutions such as mangroves, coral reefs, sand dunes and forests on steep slopes to help buffer the impacts from hazard events and protect populations. ...

The world's thinnest technology—only two atoms thick

Researchers from Tel Aviv University have engineered the world's tiniest technology, with a thickness of only two atoms. According to the researchers, the new technology proposes a way for storing electric information in ...

Spaghetti, windowsill, and LEGO: On-the-fly composites modeling

Sure, they're mixed metaphors—but just as modeling is a close estimate of real-world processes, so too are verbal explanations of such nuanced arithmetic. Trisha Sain, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, explores ...

Helping baby toads is their labor of love

As baby toad season winds down in the Roxborough area of Philadelphia, volunteers are still busy helping the frenetic little critters make it alive across Port Royal Avenue.

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