
Sentinel-1 satellites combine radar vision

The twin Sentinel-1 satellites have – for the first time – combined to show their capability for revealing even small deformations in Earth's surface.

Recreating lightning for research

Sandia National Laboratories creates lightning in a lab to evaluate how anything from sensitive nuclear weapons components to entire buildings will hold up against the worst that nature might throw at them.

How planetary age reveals water content

Water is necessary for life as we know it, but too much water is bad for habitability. Therefore, to study the habitability of extrasolar planets, determining the abundance of water is a key element. Yann Alibert, Science ...

Researcher increases speed and accuracy of sample analysis

A new description of electron scattering in the surface layers of samples proposed by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw significantly speeds up materials analysis and enables ...

Rosetta, Philae to reunite on comet for Sept 30 mission end

After nearly two years apart, Europe's Rosetta spacecraft will join stranded robot probe Philae on September 30 on the icy surface of a comet hurtling through space, their eternal resting place, mission control said Thursday.

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