
ESA to build second deep space dish in Australia

On 29 April, ESA and the Australian Space Agency announced the construction of a second 35-meter, deep space antenna at ESA's New Norcia station, located 140 kilometers north of Perth in Western Australia.

Latest observations by MUSER help clarify solar eruptions

Prof. Yan Yihua and his research team from the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) recently released detailed results of observations by the new generation solar radio telescope—Mingantu ...

Get to know your plants through ionomics

Living beings need elements to develop properly. The study of ionomics measures and analyzes the element accumulations in living organisms to determine which mineral nutrients are required and not required for growth. Associate ...

'Bat-sense' tech generates images from sound

By cleverly analyzing the results, the algorithm can deduce the shape, size and layout of a room, as well as pick out in the presence of objects or people. The results are displayed as a video feed which turns the echo data ...

Analyzing COVID-19's effect on the clothing industry

While COVID-19 hit the textile and apparel industry especially hard, businesses with a strong online presence, several manufacturing locations and an ability to quickly adjust their merchandise were better able to withstand ...

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