
Why jackals thrive where humans dominate

As humans put nature under the plow, asphalt, and concrete, some creatures thrive through an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach, embracing our disruption of the natural order, and rushing to fill the void created by ...

Why your veterinarian may refuse to euthanise your pet

Vets often grapple with the moral dilemma of when a client wants to kill an inconvenient pet. Clients might, for instance, hint that caring for the pet has become too much trouble, or that it interferes with their lifestyle ...

Can sweet potatoes save the world?

Some foods are known as seasonal wonders, making an appearance only once or twice a year when families gather for holiday feasts. Cranberry sauce, pecan pie, eggnog. Sweet potatoes, typically with tiny marshmallows roasted ...

Researchers discover new charge transfer and separation process

Charge transfer and separation is a fundamental process in the energy conversion that powers life on Earth. Besides deployment in solar cells and photocatalysts, this process is found in photosynthesis, as it enables energy ...

OCO-3 ready to extend NASA's study of carbon

When the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3, OCO-3, heads to the International Space Station, it will bring a new view—literally—to studies of Earth's carbon cycle.

Breakthrough in high-yield drought-resilient chickpeas

A global study led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and involving scientists from The University of Western Australia has identified genes that can be used to develop drought ...

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