
Five space mysteries Proba-3 will help solve

ESA's Proba-3 will be the first mission to create an artificial total solar eclipse by flying a pair of satellites 150 meters apart. For six hours at a time, it will be able to see the sun's faint atmosphere, the corona, ...

Publication outlines steps for building astronomy databases

Data access, or the availability of new and archival data for use by other scientists and the public, is key to scientific advancement. How data is presented, searched, and formatted determines accessibility, and it can be ...

Tiny dancers: Scientists synchronize bacterial motion

Researchers at TU Delft have discovered that E. coli bacteria can synchronize their movements, creating order in seemingly random biological systems. By trapping individual bacteria in micro-engineered circular cavities and ...

New study sheds light on when to stand out or fit in

When it comes to job interviews, conventional wisdom often suggests that standing out is key to securing a position—seemingly at odds with the general human tendency to conform. A new study by SFI Complexity Postdoctoral ...

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