
What do slogans at demonstrations tell us?

We see them on banners, hand-held signs, walls, clothing, bodies and faces: words are central to social protest. Every slogan—collective or individual, printed or handwritten, demand or rallying cry—conveys a political ...

Lake sediments show decades of coal ash contamination

An analysis of sediments from five North Carolina lakes near coal-burning power plants has found that coal ash pollution of surface waters has been more persistent and widespread than was previously known.

How stiff is the proton?

The proton is a composite particle made up of fundamental building blocks of quarks and gluons. These components and their interactions determine the proton's structure, including its electrical charges and currents. This ...

Land tenure drives deforestation rates in Brazil

Tropical deforestation causes widespread degradation of biodiversity and carbon stocks. Researchers from the German Center of Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Leipzig University were now able to test the relationship ...

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