
Study: Authentic leaders can address workplace bullying

When it comes to addressing workplace bullying, the solution might rest in training bosses to be more in tune with how their management styles impact colleagues, according to a recent study by Western Ph.D. Nursing student ...

Why your online data isn't safe

Until recently, the presumptive targets for massive data theft were considered to be companies that lacked sophisticated cybersecurity or didn't take the issue seriously enough.

New model of polarization sheds light on today's politics

No politics is local anymore and it's driving us apart, according to a new mathematical model of political competitiveness developed by Mattias Polborn, professor of economics at Vanderbilt University, and Stefan Krasa, professor ...

City of Seattle fighting federal government's new 5G rules

The city of Seattle will appeal rules set last week by the federal government that seek to set a countrywide standard for how much cities can charge telecom providers to set up 5G technology for ultrafast cellular connectivity.

Report shows more work needed to advance gender equity

Significant barriers remain in the role of middle managers in advancing gender equity in the public service, according to a new report by researchers at Victoria University of Wellington, Massey University and Auckland University ...

Blazar LBQS 1319+0039 detected in hard X-rays

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of the blazar LBQS 1319+0039 in hard X-rays using NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) space telescope. The finding, updating knowledge about this ...

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