
Escape from an evolutionary cul-de-sac

Passion flowers with long nectar tubes depend entirely on the sword-billed hummingbird for pollination. However, as a new study by LMU researchers shows, the evolution of even such extreme specialization is by no means irreversible.

A digital safe for sending confidential documents

To secure the storage and transfer of documents, two post-docs at EPFL have recently developed three solutions. The solutions use encryption to render documents inaccessible to anyone who does not possess the secret code ...

How citizen scientists took control of a spaceship

For decades, space exploration remained a domain within reach of only government agencies, who could command huge pools of expertise and public funds. Now the means by which our space endeavours are funded have become more ...

Nanotech process makes heat-resistant dyes

You may have heard about the hazards posed by pranksters who shine laser pointers at airplanes during takeoff or landing. One way to keep those beams of concentrated light from blinding pilots is to incorporate a special ...

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