
Oracle uses Sun to put heat on IBM, HP

Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison boasted that the acquisition of business computer equipment firm Sun Microsystems had helped turn up the heat on rivals IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

EU urges roadmap this year on climate action

The European Union urged all nations Sunday to make clear how they will tackle climate change, saying the world needs a roadmap this year on future action even if a treaty appears out of reach.

Australian adventurers in South Pole quest

Two Australian adventurers who made history by kayaking unassisted to New Zealand set off on Monday hoping to bag a new record by walking from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back.

Nobel Medicine Prize opens week of awards

The 2011 Nobel season opens Monday with the announcement in Stockholm of the Medicine Prize, to be followed over the course of a week by the awards for physics, chemistry, literature, economics and peace.

'Invisible key' invented by Taiwan scientists

A team of Taiwanese researchers have developed an "invisible key" technology which allows users to unlock their doors by means of simple hand gestures, the head of the team said Monday.

Obama under fire over space plans

High-profile critics fear President Barack Obama's commercial overhaul of human spaceflight is going nowhere and could mark the end of half a century of US supremacy among the stars and planets.

Russia launches first Soyuz rocket since August crash

A Russian Soyuz-2 rocket launched a GLONASS navigation satellite on Sunday, the defence ministry said, in the first launch since a freighter carried by the flagship vehicle crashed into Earth in August.

Samsung grows ever bigger, but icon status elusive

If you own a consumer electronics gadget, there's a good chance something from Samsung makes it tick. The company has traveled far from its roots as a seller of cheap appliances in the 1970s and 1980s when South Korean products ...

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