
China state media raises pressure on Britain's GSK

Chinese state media increased the pressure on British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) over a bribery investigation Tuesday, accusing the firm of being responsible rather than individual employees.

Canine remote control

Man's best friend can get a bit tiresome, all that rolling over, shaking paws, long walks and eating every crumb of food off the floor. But, what if there were a way to command your dog with a remote control, or even via ...

Mistletoe birds are 'cheats'

Contrary to popular belief, specialist animals such as the Mistletoe bird from Australia are not vital to the spread of parasitic mistletoes through woodlands and forests but 'cheat' on the efforts of more common birds that ...

Rare western bumblebee creates a buzz

When University of Colorado Boulder junior Cole Steinmetz first begins a bumblebee hunt, he walks slowly, listening for the bee's persistent, rumbling buzz, which Steinmetz has learned is usually lower and less singsongy ...

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