
SLAC receives new mirrors for X-ray laser

Scientists are installing new mirrors to improve the quality of the X-ray laser beam at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

Making nail polish while powering fuel cells

Hydrogen is widely regarded as a promising and clean alternative energy source. The traditional source of hydrogen (H2) for fuel cell use is water, which is split into H2 and oxygen (O2). But O2 is a low-value product. So, ...

Let forensic science help prevent a crime or a disaster

One of the basic principles of forensic science is Locard's Exchange Principle which says: "Every contact leaves a trace." It was formulated in the early 20th century, by French criminologist Edmond Locard, and still informs ...

No bars on prison research

Not enough is being done about entrenched corruption in prisons; a problem that needs addressing to improve the chances of prisoner rehabilitation in detention, new research from Flinders University has found.

Digitally diagnosing dinosaur osteophathy

Researchers from the University of Manchester have teamed up with the New Jersey State Museum and the University of Massachusetts to diagnose a dinosaur from the USA with a horrific medical condition.

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