
Researchers study particulate matter in air samples

Current legal limits for fine dust in the air are based on the mass and size of the particles. For health effects, however, not only the amount of dust is decisive, but also its chemical composition. Empa researchers have ...

Rare pear expedition bears fruit in Kyrgyzstan

A new population of one of the world's most endangered trees, the Bukharan pear, has been confirmed in a remote corner of Kyrgyzstan. The discovery of an estimated one hundred mature trees in a single location provides a ...

What happens when people lose trust in the Internet?

An April 2018 survey by the Pew Research Centre has found that fewer people believe that "the Internet has been mostly a good thing for society" as compared to four years ago. This worsening perspective on the social benefits ...

New insight into the maturation of miRNAs

An international research team led by Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technical University of Munich and the University of Edinburgh has used an integrated structural biological approach to elucidate the maturation of a cancer-causing ...

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