
The 'face' of Jupiter

JunoCam images aren't just for art and science – sometimes they are processed to bring a chuckle.  This image, processed by citizen scientist Jason Major, is titled "Jovey McJupiterface." By rotating the image 180 degrees ...

Veteran ocean satellite to assume added role

A venerable U.S./European oceanography satellite mission with NASA participation that has expanded our knowledge of global sea level change, ocean currents and climate phenomena like El Niño and La Niña will take on an ...

Baker's yeast can help plants cope with soil contamination

Few plant species can tolerate the toxic effects of soil pollutants. In a study published in Scientific Reports, a research team led by Paula Duque from the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC; Portugal) reports that two ...

Superstretchable, supercompressible supercapacitors

Flexible, wearable electronics require equally flexible, wearable power sources. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, Chinese scientists have introduced an extraordinarily stretchable and compressible polyelectrolyte which, ...

Dinosaur find in outback Queensland

The remains of what might be the most complete sauropod dinosaur ever found in Australia have been uncovered by a team including a Swinburne palaeontologist.

New system greatly speeds common parallel-computing algorithms

The chips in most modern desktop computers have four "cores," or processing units, which can run different computational tasks in parallel. But the chips of the future could have dozens or even hundreds of cores, and taking ...

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