
US bringing up the middle on gender-science stereotyping

Gender stereotyping in which men are more strongly associated with science than women has been found in some unlikely countries, with the Netherlands leading the list and the United States in the middle at 38th, according ...

Helping robots handle uncertainty

Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes are a way to model autonomous robots' behavior in circumstances where neither their communication with each other nor their judgments about the outside world are ...

ESA heading toward removing space debris

ESA's goal of removing a derelict satellite from orbit is picking up pace, as a mission design is assembled to be put before European ministers next year for approval.

Historian explores Wonder Woman's role as feminist icon

Keira Williams's first book investigated the gender politics of a southern woman who drowned her two children then spent nine days telling the story of a black man kidnapping them. For her second book, she found a lighter ...

Chombo-Crunch sinks its teeth into fluid dynamics

For more than a decade, mathematicians and computational scientists have been collaborating with earth scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to break new ground in the modeling of complex flows ...

Japan government eyes urban drone ban

Japan plans to ban the public from flying drones above residential areas and at night, as it scrambles to legislate after a device was found on top of the prime minister's office in April.

Cassini sends final close views of odd moon Hyperion

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has returned images from its final close approach to Saturn's oddball moon Hyperion, upholding the moon's reputation as one of the most bizarre objects in the solar system. The views show Hyperion's ...

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