
Novel approach to curing crop diseases tested

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sugar may be a treat for humans, but for aphids it can be life threatening. A $452,000 grant to Cornell and Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) will fund research exploiting this vulnerability ...

Quad-core Snapdragon S4 is firing up for laptop wars

(PhysOrg.com) -- Google is moving toward social; Facebook is moving to search; and now the chip kings are doing a similar dance into different territory. Intel is muscling in on smartphones and Qualcomm wants a big bite out ...

US judge allows class action suit against India's Tata

A US judge has approved a class action suit against Tata Consultancy alleging that the Indian firm unfairly kept the US tax refunds of Indian employees working abroad, court documents show.

Space tourist is just one way to describe Simonyi

(AP) -- Charles Simonyi may still be described as a space tourist even though the Microsoft billionaire has no plans to take a third vacation on the International Space Station and hasn't hung out in outer space for a few ...

Taiwan find may throw light on Pacific settlers

Taiwanese archaeologists working on an islet off China have unearthed the remains of a Stone Age male who may provide clues about ancient people who eventually dispersed throughout the entire Pacific.

Google loses Australian advert cases

Internet giant Google was Tuesday found guilty of false and misleading advertising in Australia after a court upheld an appeal by the country's competition regulator.

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