
Could tiny devices made out of DNA treat cancer?

One of the most promising avenues in treating cancer is to restore our immune system's ability to recognize and attack cancerous cells. A team of University of Chicago chemists and biologists developed a tiny device that ...

Tooth study prompts rethink of human evolution

A study into tooth wear in a group of wild Japanese macaques has significant implications for the study of human evolution, a University of Otago study has shown.

New tech fights fall armyworm by letting offspring die

Scientists have developed a new technology that could control the devastating fall armyworm crop pest by releasing genetically controlled males that suppress populations as subsequent offspring cannot survive, a study says.

Getting to know local cops could reduce crime rates

Providing residents with information about their neighborhood police officers may reduce crime rates, suggests a Nature paper. The combined results from laboratory and field studies suggest that our sense of anonymity depends ...

Trust in government linked to work attitudes

People with high levels of trust in government felt more secure in their jobs, had higher employer loyalty and were more likely to go out of their way to help co-workers, according to a recent study.

Australia orders 200,000 to flee floods, city of Sydney spared

Australia's emergency services Thursday ordered 200,000 people to flee from the path of a wild storm that has killed 13 people in a week of record-setting east coast floods, but the city of Sydney escaped the worst of the ...

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