
Arctic seal pups learn to live on the edge

Young harp seals diving for the first time can adapt their behavior depending on local environmental conditions, according to new research at the University of St Andrews.

New study measures rent spikes in three Florida markets

Florida's emerging rental crisis is playing out in three major markets, with rents well above where they should be and sharp increases occurring just in the past year, according to a new study.

Putting stem cells on pause

People are having children later than ever before. The average age of new parents in the United States has been rising for at least the past half century.

Sense of belonging helps high school students engage with STEM

A new study from North Carolina State University finds that one key to promoting STEM education, and to making students feel capable of working on STEM subjects outside of the classroom, is to find ways to make classrooms ...

New tool reveals function of enigmatic gene sequences

While the large proportion of our genome that does not instruct our cells to form proteins has been harder to study than protein-coding genes, it has been shown to have vital physiological functions. Scientists at Karolinska ...

How mussels stay ice-free in an icy world

Antarctic waters have conditions in which objects and living creatures can freeze even under water. This is a major problem for marine travel in polar regions. So-called supercooled water has a temperature just below the ...

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