
The benefits of protecting the Baltic Sea vary by country

Reducing the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea could bring annual economic benefits of up to EUR 3.6 billion, which is more than the costs arising from reducing nutrient loading. However, the benefits vary significantly from ...

The maximum earthquake magnitude for North Turkey

Geoscientists and natural disaster management experts are well aware of the risk prevailing in the megacity of Istanbul: The Istanbul metropolitan region faces a high probability for a large earthquake in the near future. ...

Desalination plants a 'hidden asset' for power, water

Renewable hydropower generated from desalination plants and other existing infrastructure would bring economic and environmental benefits to our biggest cities, according to new research from Griffith University.

WISE reveals the X-shaped bulge of our galaxy

Using a set of coadded images taken by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and the University of Toronto in Canada, have provided new insights ...

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