
World's wildlife critical to the economies of nations

Wildlife is critical to the economies of nations. New Zealand's wildlife – whales, dolphins, red deer, thar, albatross, kiwi, tuatara, fish and kauri – attract tourists. And the tourists who come to see or hunt our wildlife ...

Road safety through snowflake imaging

The technology behind the camera that revealed the intricate, imperfect beauty of snowflakes can now expose their potential danger.

Modern methods lead the way toward a rhino rebound

Cutting-edge technology and techniques have become essential tools in the effort to save rhinos. Micro chips, translocation and consumer campaigns are helping shift the balance against record-setting poaching threatening ...

Tracking bald eagles in coastal North Carolina

Few animals capture the public imagination like the bald eagle. But despite their status as a national emblem, we still have a lot to learn about their behavior in the wild. Now NC State researchers are part of a team that's ...

Why seashells' mineral forms differently in seawater

For almost a century, scientists have been puzzled by a process that is crucial to much of the life in Earth's oceans: Why does calcium carbonate, the tough material of seashells and corals, sometimes take the form of calcite, ...

What's beneath Hawaii's most active volcano?

Step away from the villages and idyllic beaches of Hawaii, and you may think you've been transported to the moon. Walking along the lava flows of the Kilauea volcano, the landscape changes from a lush tropical paradise to ...

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