
LAMMPS supercomputer code developer earns special recognition

Sandia National Laboratories researcher Steve Plimpton, who led development of a widely used computer code that models how materials behave, has been invited to present a keynote lecture at the Feb. 27-March 3 Minerals, Materials ...

Mapping human vulnerability to climate change

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers already study how various species of plants and animals migrate in response to climate change. Now, Jason Samson, a PhD candidate in McGill University's Department of Natural Resource Sciences, ...

Europe unveils life-enhancing 2011 inventors award shortlist

Glasses that adjust to wearer's eyesight, titanium implants for your teeth or steel fibres allowing architects to twist and bend concrete were among innovations shortlisted Thursday for the 2011 European Inventor Award.

Astronauts relax, take in views after 2 spacewalks

(AP) -- The 12 orbiting astronauts took care of a little maintenance work aboard the International Space Station on Thursday and gave it a boost before enjoying a well deserved break.

Our ancestors lived on shaky ground

Our earliest ancestors preferred to settle in locations that have something in common with cities such as San Francisco, Naples and Istanbul -- they are often on active tectonic faults in areas that have an earthquake risk ...

Keeping soft fruit 'fur-free' for longer

A new way of improving the shelf life of soft fruit like strawberries and raspberries is being pioneered by researchers at the University of Nottingham.Millions of tons of soft fruit go to waste each year through mold developing ...

Grazing of cattle pastures can improve soil quality

A team of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists has given growers in the Piedmont guidance on how to restore degraded soils and make the land productive. Researchers with the USDA's Agricultural Research Service ...

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