
NASA's Juno mission spots two Jovian moons

On Nov. 29, 2021, NASA's Juno mission completed its 38th close flyby of Jupiter. As the spacecraft sped low over the giant planet's cloud tops, its JunoCam instrument captured this look at two of Jupiter's largest moons.

Job satisfaction and the work-life balance

How does job satisfaction sit with the notion of work-life balance? Writing in the International Journal of Services and Operations Management, a research team from Portugal point out that a positive and stable work environment ...

Challenges facing food and beverage companies seeking to export

A new Oregon State University study that examined exporting practices of Oregon food and beverage companies found that the likelihood of exporting increases with firm size and length of time in business and that the COVID-19 ...

Examining the pandemic's impact on individual generosity

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect people's volunteering, donating, and helping behaviors? A report by Penn's School of Social Policy and Practice (SP2) faculty and students summarizes a nationally representative study ...

Modified enzyme brings value to lignin monomers

The chemical industry faces the challenge of replacing fossil-based building blocks with green alternatives. Biomass is an interesting source of carbon-based molecules. It is also underused because some 25 percent of all ...

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