
Indian police break up international computer virus scam

Indian police said Thursday they have arrested nearly two dozen people on suspicion of defrauding people around the world by sending fake pop-up messages warning them that their computers were infected with a virus and offering ...

Ghosn 'signed documents to defer compensation': source

Nissan's former chairman Carlos Ghosn signed secret documents instructing aides to defer part of his salary without disclosing this to shareholders, a source close to the issue claimed Thursday.

Ghosn arrest lays bare frustration at Nissan

With Carlos Ghosn's arrest, frustrations over the tycoon's management style have burst into the open within Nissan, with some staff also weary of playing second fiddle to Renault and its French-state backers.

Tech giants warn Australia against law to break encryption

Digital giants led by Google, Facebook and Amazon have warned Australia against passing a "fundamentally flawed" law allowing security services to spy on encrypted communications among suspected criminals and terrorists.

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