
Graphene technology enables fully flexible NFC antennas

Graphene is currently one of the most extensively studied materials in the world, both on a scientific and industrial level. The world's first two-dimensional material, this single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal ...

Reconciling solar energy and heritage preservation

EPFL researchers have developed a method to assess the aesthetic impact of solar panels on buildings and to set objective criteria for where they should be placed. Some municipal governments could apply this method as early ...

Indonesian lower court rejects bid to protect prized forest

An Indonesian court has rejected a case brought by Acehnese community leaders who want one of the country's most prized tropical forests to be protected from exploitation by mining and plantation companies.

Is a paleodiet for your pet a step too far?

Will 2016 be the year the world finally lost interest in the paleodiet? Believe it or not, it's already happened! 'Peak-paleo' passed without notice way back in January 2014.

Super seeds promise better crops

South Australian research that improves wheat, pastures and other crop yields has sown the seeds for global distribution deals and a timely partnership with an innovative US agricultural technology company Indigo Ag Inc.

Nitrogen in ancient rocks a sign of early life

Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients of life on Earth, with some organisms, such as the kinds of microbes found within the roots of legume plants, capable of converting nitrogen gas into molecules that other species ...

Online shopping offers environmental benefit

Shoppers sitting down at their computer to take advantage of online sales are helping the environment, said a Purdue University professor.

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