
SOFC micro CHP plants to be climate-friendly power stations in homes

The generation of electricity and heat with no pollution and with considerably less emission of the greenhouse gas CO2 sounds too good to be true. However, it is possible with the so-called SOFC fuel cells, which Danish scientists ...

Astronomy without a telescope - black hole evolution

While only observable by inference, the existence of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centre of most – if not all – galaxies remains a compelling theory supported by a range of indirect observational methods. ...

How to soften a diamond

After hundreds of years, German researchers at the Fraunhofer IWM in Freiburg have managed to decode the atomic mechanism behind diamond grinding.

Some coral reefs less vulnerable to rising sea temperatures

New research highlighting coastal locations where coral can better withstand rising sea temperatures, a leading cause of stress to coral reefs, may guide efforts to conserve the largest living structures on Earth.

Breeding potatoes with improved properties

It is possible to breed potatoes in such a way that they produce new types of starch for use as a new and improved plant-based raw material in the construction, paper, glue, fodder and food industries. These results are described ...

UWE professor shows how many bugs make light work

A professor from the University of the West of England will present her inaugural lecture on bioluminesence and give insight into how this natural phenomenon has been used to make biomarkers that are making exciting breakthroughs ...

Sea noise adventures

In 1953, Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau published his groundbreaking book The Silent World, which has since sold five million copies and captured the imagination of generations of armchair adventurers. While breathtaking in ...

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