
'Moderate to strong' La Nina this year: UN

Global temperatures boosted by climate change will still be higher than usual despite the cooling effect of a "moderate to strong" La Nina weather phenomenon, the UN said Thursday.

Lab tests show risks of using CRISPR gene editing on embryos

A lab experiment aimed at fixing defective DNA in human embryos shows what can go wrong with this type of gene editing and why leading scientists say it's too unsafe to try. In more than half of the cases, the editing caused ...

Nature loss means deadlier future pandemics, UN warns

Future pandemics will happen more often, kill more people and wreak even worse damage to the global economy than Covid-19 without a fundamental shift in how humans treat nature, the United Nations' biodiversity panel said ...

Decades-long effort revives ancient oak woodland

Vestal Grove in the Somme Prairie Grove forest preserve in Cook County, Illinois, looks nothing like the scrubby, buckthorn-choked tangle that confronted restoration ecologists 37 years ago. Thanks to the efforts of a dedicated ...

Voter participation predicts compliance with social distancing

Americans who vote are more likely to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic than people with a lower sense of civic duty—regardless of political affiliation, according to a new study involving Washington ...

Copolymer helps remove pervasive PFAS toxins from environment

Researchers have demonstrated that they can attract, capture and destroy PFAS—a group of federally regulated substances found in everything from nonstick coatings to shampoo and nicknamed "the forever chemicals" due to ...

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