
Euclid telescope ready for extreme space environment

ESA's Euclid mission has reached a new milestone in its development with successful testing of the telescope and instruments showing that it can operate and achieve the required performance in the extreme environment of space.

Is science failing Amazon communities?

Although science and technology can prevent further degradation of the Amazon, they cannot provide a solution unless the technical, financial and social legitimacy conditions required by indigenous people are met.

UK permits development of gene-edited crops in climate fight

Britain's government plans to allow researchers to use gene-editing techniques to develop crops that can increase yields, reduce the need for pesticides and cut greenhouse gas emissions as the U.K.'s exit from the European ...

Bacteria stunt with established plant-soil feedback theory

"What I find most alluring about soil life is that you can steer it," researcher Martijn Bezemer of the Institute Biology Leiden (IBL) reveals. "You can ask: What do you want? And then I can transform the soil into something ...

Study: Planets gone rogue could sustain life

A rogue planet is an interstellar object of planetary mass without a host planetary system. As they freely roam around space, could they be fertile nurseries for life?

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