
Physicists map the strain in wonder material graphene

This week, an international group of scientists is reporting a breakthrough in the effort to characterize the properties of graphene noninvasively while acquiring information about its response to structural strain.

Researchers discover how to control drying-induced deposition

Water, soup, wet paint and other liquids often leave stains as they dry. They include "coffee rings" from dried coffee droplets, soup stains on the dining table, and the patterns salted snowmelt lays down on the pavement. ...

Iron-gallium alloy shows promise as a power-generation device

An alloy first made nearly two decades ago by the U. S. Navy could provide an efficient new way to produce electricity. The material, dubbed Galfenol, consists of iron doped with the metal gallium. In new experiments, researchers ...

Frequently discounting maximizes retailer revenues

JC Penney implemented a "best price" strategy in 2012, assuming consumers prefer fair, everyday prices as opposed to sale prices that are discounted from original, inflated prices. It was wrong. Longtime customers—loyal ...

Company patents technology to feed cattle from waste

The phrase "squeeze until the very last drop" literally came true for Biotectra, a Mexican company that managed to extract nutrients from organic waste and transform them into a main ingredient for cattle food.

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