
Satellite photos show burning Iran space center launch pad

A rocket at an Iranian space center that was to conduct a satellite launch criticized by the U.S. apparently exploded on its launch pad Thursday, satellite images show, suggesting the Islamic Republic suffered its third failed ...

What a Virginia wildflower can tell us about climate change

When climates change, plants and animals often are forced to colonize new areas—or possibly go extinct. Because the climate is currently changing, biologists are keenly interested in predicting how climate-induced migrations ...

Bacteria feeding on Arctic algae blooms can seed clouds

New research finds Arctic Ocean currents and storms are moving bacteria from ocean algae blooms into the atmosphere where the particles help clouds form. These particles, which are biological in origin, can affect weather ...

How changes in land use could reduce the browning of lakes

Over the past 50 years, the water in lakes and watercourses has turned increasingly brown. The so-called browning has a negative impact on both drinking water production and ecosystems. If nothing is done, the water is likely ...

Scientists work on creating molecular-sized microchip elements

Modern silicon-based integrated circuits (ICs) have reached the practical limits of miniaturisation, while the use of organics can potentially allow the creation of microchip elements as large as a single molecule. Scientists ...

Changes in ice volume control seabed methane emissions

Ice sheet dynamics of the past likely caused fault movements in the Earth's crust, resulting in seabed methane release in ~1200 m water depth offshore Svalbard, an archipelago in the Norwegian Arctic.

Theory reveals the nature of silicon carbide crystals defects

Imperfections of crystal structure, especially edge dislocations of an elongated nature, deeply modify basic properties of the entire material and, in consequence, drastically limit its applications. Using silicon carbide ...

Global study reveals most popular marketing metrics

Satisfaction is the most popular metric for marketing decisions around the world, according to a new study from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Business School.

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