
Sophisticated maths simplifies appraisals

The immense challenges in delivering a fair, transparent and objective performance appraisal process in large organisations can be made much easier with a new approach developed by University of Portsmouth Business School ...

The value of the open science movement

Research creates its own problems. Articles may be withdrawn because of irregularities, results can be impossible to reproduce, methods are often non-standardised, and publications may not be accessible (See 'Fixing science', ...

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System launches new website

The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) has launched a new website at http://www.pacioos.org.  Its goal is to further PacIOOS' mission to empower ocean users, decision-makers and stakeholders across the Pacific ...

How shipping containers are changing infrastructure

We often take for granted our access to vast quantities of inexpensive goods manufactured overseas. And we often overlook the unassuming innovation that has made this global industrial revolution possible: the shipping container.

The winners and losers in the race for driverless cars

The ridesharing service Uber is pretty close to getting the go-ahead in almost all states and territories in Australia, with Victoria set to follow Queensland in introducing new legislation.

Integrating user-collected data in city planning

"It's the community engagement that's most important," says Lily Bui, a recent graduate of MIT's Comparative Media Studies program and a PhD candidate in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. She has long been interested ...

Hubble spots an irregular island in a sea of space

This image, courtesy of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), captures the glow of distant stars within NGC 5264, a dwarf galaxy located just over 15 million light-years away in the constellation ...

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