
Researchers unravel process for the formation of rainstorms

Violent thunderstorms can often cause torrential rain, which pose a threat for both humans and the infrastructure. Until now such extreme weather phenomena have been very poorly understood. However, using advanced simulations ...

Bringing artificial enzymes closer to nature

Scientists at the University of Basel, ETH Zurich, and NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering have developed an artificial metalloenzyme that catalyses a reaction inside of cells without equivalent in nature. This could be a ...

Chemists make rapid developments in antibacterial drug research

Dr Xuechen Li of HKU Department of Chemistry and his research team, together with his collaborators in University of Central Florida (Dr Yu Yuan), USA and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Dr Sheng Chen), reported their ...

Forming Atlantic Tropical Depression 8 seen by NASA

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite passed over Tropical Depression 8 as it formed off the coast of North Carolina in the Atlantic Ocean. GPM measured rainfall rates and analyzed the heights ...

Amazon forests: Biodiversity can help mitigate climate risks

A forest with greater diversity of plants can better adjust to climatic stress. Now for the first time, a team of scientists can show this in computer simulations of the Amazon region by accounting for its amazing diversity ...

Milky way had a blowout bash six million years ago

The center of the Milky Way galaxy is currently a quiet place where a supermassive black hole slumbers, only occasionally slurping small sips of hydrogen gas. But it wasn't always this way. A new study shows that 6 million ...

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