
Proba-2's espresso-cup microcamera snaps Hurricane Isaac

An experimental camera smaller than an espresso cup on ESA's Proba-2 microsatellite caught this view of soon-to-be Hurricane Isaac as it moved west of the Florida coast into the Gulf of Mexico on Monday.

Small GEO satellite platform lands at ESA

After a careful four-day road trek from Switzerland, the first model of the Small GEO communications satellite platform has arrived at ESA for testing.

Study outlines voting disparity for Asian and Latino populations

Although Latinos and Asians make up half of California's population, they register to vote in far smaller percentages, a University of California, Davis, study reports. The voter registration gap means that these ethnic groups ...

Japan estimates monster quake could kill 320,000

Japan's government on Wednesday unveiled a worst case disaster scenario that warned a monster earthquake in the Pacific Ocean could kill over 320,000 people, dwarfing last year's quake-tsunami disaster.

Japan toilet maker unveils 'poop-powered' motorbike

Japan's best-known toilet maker on Wednesday unveiled a "poop-powered" motorcycle that can travel as far as 300 kilometres (180 miles) on a tank filled with animal waste.

Sri Lankan airline swaps paper manuals for iPads

Sri Lanka's national carrier announced Wednesday it had jettisoned pilots' bulky paper manuals weighing 84 kilogrammes (184 pounds) in favour of iPads that weigh just 660 grams.

'Penis-head' fish discovered in Vietnam

A new species of fish with a penis on its head has been identified in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, researchers said on Wednesday.

Forest dam threatens Thailand's tigers: WWF

A proposed dam that would flood part of a national park in western Thailand represents a "significant new threat" to the kingdom's tigers, wildlife group WWF warned on Wednesday.

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