
Mom goes back to work, family OK

Easing the maternal guilt associated with mothers returning to work, University at Albany health economist Pinka Chatterji and co-researchers Sara Markowitz and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn recently released the results of a study ...

Protecting the Valais by studying a river that runs through it

EPFL's Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory is working with Crealp (Center for Research on Alpine Environments) in Sion to model sediment deposits carried by the Naviscence River. They are simulating possible scenarios for ...

Russia delays next manned space flight

Russia on Monday delayed its next manned mission to the International Space Station (ISS) by at least a month after an unmanned cargo vessel crashed into Siberia instead of reaching orbit.

Flexible electronics hold promise for consumer applications

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research from Wake Forest University has advanced the field of plastic-based flexible electronics by developing, for the first time, an extremely large molecule that is stable, possesses excellent electrical ...

Speech recognition leaps forward

During Interspeech 2011, the 12th annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association being held in Florence, Italy, from Aug. 28 to 31, researchers from Microsoft Research will present work that dramatically ...

Wastewater recycling can multiply greenhouse gas emissions

New research shows that wastewater recycling processes may generate more greenhouse gases than traditional water-treatment processes. Despite this finding, there are good reasons to continue keep wastewater recycling among ...

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