
Researchers cook up new recipe for pretzel-shaped peptides

Researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have developed a new way to synthesize bicyclic peptides, with major implications for future research into drug treatments for a range of diseases including cancer, ...

Operation centers in tune for upcoming weather satellite

In just a few months' time Europe's first Meteosat Third Generation satellite will soar into the skies on an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana. From geostationary orbit, this new satellite, carrying two new highly sensitive ...

Study reveals 'spiteful' behaviour in bacteria

Bugged by freeloaders? You are not alone, and leeching off others is not just a human problem. In fact, it is not uncommon in the animal kingdom, where even some cheater species of bacteria exhibit such selfish behavior.

Whales' eyes offer glimpse into their evolution from land to sea

University of Toronto researchers have shed light on the evolutionary transition of whales' early ancestors from on-shore living to deep-sea foraging, suggesting that these ancestors had visual systems that could quickly ...

Jurassic marine world unearthed in a farmer's field

The discovery of an exceptional prehistoric site containing the remains of animals that lived in a tropical sea has been made in a farmer's field in Gloucestershire.

Microrobots in swarms for medical embolization

Microrobotic agents can form swarms of targeted drug delivery for improved imaging analyses. In a new report now published in Science Advances, Junhui Law and a team of researchers in mechanical and industrial engineering, ...

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