
With Perseverance and a little MOXIE, MIT is going to Mars

On July 30, a two-week window of opportunity opens for Perseverance—the newest Mars rover, forged in the spirit of human curiosity—to begin its journey toward the Red Planet with a launch from the Cape Canaveral Space ...

Sea slugs: Discovering other inhabitants in the Barcelona coasts

A study on marine biodiversity has identified seventy-three species of sea slugs in the coasts of Barcelona, an anthropized environment due to the urban metropolis. In this group of gastropod molluscs, the most abundant in ...

New Space satellite pinpoints industrial methane emissions

Methane may not be as abundant in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, but with a global warming potential many times greater than carbon dioxide, monitoring and controlling industrial emissions of this potent gas is imperative ...

Gold nanosensor spots difference between dengue, Zika

A new class of nanosensor developed in Brazil could more accurately identify dengue and Zika infections, a task that is complicated by their genetic similarities and which can result in misdiagnosis.

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