
Estimating bisphenol exposures in the Australian population

Once found in bottles, food containers, cash register receipts and electronics, bisphenol A (BPA) has been phased out of many products because of health concerns and government regulations. As a result, the production and ...

Decreased iron levels in seawater make mussels loosen their grip

Mussels secrete sticky plaques that help them attach to wet surfaces, such as rocks on the beach. These adhesive structures are rich in iron, which is thought to help make the attachments strong yet flexible. Now, researchers ...

Scientists go the distance in electron transfer study

Electron movement—what scientists call electron transfer—powers many of life's functions. For example, a good deal of the energy we derive from the foods we eat is captured by a process that removes electrons from food ...

Deadpool fly among new species named by scientists

During the past year CSIRO scientists have given scientific names to 165 new species, including tributes to Marvel characters Deadpool, Thor, Loki, and Black Widow along the way.

New method determines planetary regolith thermal conductivity

A new analytic model for calculating the effective thermal conductivity of planetary regolith allows scientists to better understand the connections between the physical and thermal properties of planetary surfaces and the ...

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