
Investor contests condition in latest Dell offer (Update)

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is renewing his attack on Michael Dell's leadership and warning that the latest offer from Dell to buy the struggling PC maker he founded bypasses an important shareholder safeguard.

Undoing a hairpin doubles gene activity

Male fruit flies have one X chromosome per cell, females have two. So genes on the male X must work twice as hard to produce the same amount of protein as its female counterparts. An LMU team has found a new switch involved ...

Cellular network transforms fungus when temperatures rise

(Phys.org) —When the infectious fungus Histoplasma capsulatum feels the temperature start to rise, it undergoes a transformation. As it shifts its shape from long filaments to oval cells, the pathogen switches on genes ...

New technology to enable development of 4G solar cells

Professor Ravi Silva of the University of Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute has identified the range of combinations of organic and inorganic materials that will underpin new 4th generation solar cell technology – ...

Scientists realize quantum bit with a bent nanotube

One of the biggest challenges in quantum science is to build a functioning quantum bit, the basic element for the quantum computer. An important theoretical candidate for such a quantum bit is using a bent carbon nanotube. ...

Apple China supplier imposes overtime, hires minors (Update)

Three Chinese factories making Apple products impose excessive overtime and employ minors, a US-based advocacy group said Monday, in the latest allegations of labour violations against the US tech giant's suppliers.

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