
Stretching changes the electronic properties of graphene

The electronic properties of graphene can be specifically modified by stretching the material evenly, say researchers at the University of Basel. These results open the door to the development of new types of electronic components.

To adsorb or to do not adsorb? That is the question

Prolonged exposure to antibiotics increases bacteria's ability to defeat these drugs. When antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause infection, one option is to use a specialized virus phage capable of infecting specific bacteria ...

The evolution of axial patterning

Body axes are molecular coordinate systems along which regulatory genes are activated. These genes then activate the development of anatomical structures in correct locations in the embryo. Thus, the body ensures that we ...

Seeing the earthworm in a new light

Earthworms experience constant chemical interactions with bacteria, fungi, plants and small invertebrates across soil ecosystems. Even within their tissues, earthworms harbor symbiotic microbes and small animal parasites ...

A new type of quasiparticle

Russian scientists have experimentally proved the existence of a new type of quasiparticle—previously unknown excitations of coupled pairs of photons in qubit chains. This discovery could be a step towards disorder-robust ...

Stopping the sulfur shuttle for better batteries

As our society and transportation systems become increasingly electrified, scientists worldwide are seeking more efficient and higher capacity storage systems. Researchers at KAUST have made an important contribution by modifying ...

Targeted delivery of therapeutic RNAs directly to cancer cells

Tel Aviv University's groundbreaking technology may revolutionize the treatment of cancer and a wide range of diseases and medical conditions. In the framework of this study, the researchers were able to create a new method ...

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