
Meteoroid explodes over Russia without warning

A meteoroid exploded over the city of Lipetsk in western Russia last week without warning, lighting up the summer sky with a bright flash. While some enjoyed the light show, others are worried that we didn't see it coming.

5G technology brings 3-D views to inter-vehicle communication

The safety of road users can be increased through new solutions and services enabled by the 5G technology. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, in cooperation with businesses, has developed new solutions related to road ...

Smartphones used to track migrations caused by climate change

Spanish researchers have developed a system that tracks human displacement caused by climate change using the tracks of mobile phones. With this model, which was tested during a severe drought in Colombia in 2014, it was ...

Scientists develop a mathematical model of a social conflict

A team of researchers led by Associate Professor Alexander Petukhov of the Institute of International Relations and World History at Lobachevsky University is developing social conflict models on the basis of nonlinear dynamics.

Plant fossils provide new insight into the uplift history of SE Tibet

The Tibetan Plateau, the highest and largest plateau in the world, is well known as 'The Third Pole'. Tibet has also been called 'Asia's water tower' because so many of Asia's major rivers such as the Ganges, Indus, Tsangpo/Brahmaputra, ...

Researchers observe unique chiral magnetic phenomenon

Tiny magnetic vortex structures, so-called skyrmions, have been researched intensively for some time for future energy-efficient space-saving data storage devices. Scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich have now discovered ...

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