
Delving into the spread of marine life

A paper by Dr. Masako Nakamura of the OIST Marine Biophysics Unit on the ecology of one of deep-sea limpets called Lepetodrilus nux has been published in the Marine Ecology Progress Series. These deep-sea limpets are conches ...

Ancient rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust

(Phys.org) —It looks like just another rock, but what Jesse Reimink holds in his hands is a four-billion-year-old chunk of an ancient protocontinent that holds clues about how the Earth's first continents formed.

3Qs: Net neutrality—what does it all mean?

The Federal Communications Commission recently approved a proposal by its chairman that the agency look more closely at allowing Internet service providers to charge more money for faster service. The issue centers on "net ...

Is your iPhone at risk after the Oleg Pliss hack?

iPhone users in Australia were greeted with an alarming message this week when they tried to use their devices. They were told that a hacker or group of hackers going by the name Oleg Pliss had taken control of their phone ...

New mobile application enables DNA analysis on the go

Researchers from A*STAR's Bioinformatics Institute (BII) have developed the first mobile application for Android phones that analyses ab1 DNA sequencing files, which enables science professionals and amateur enthusiasts to ...

Novel technology to shrink laptop adapters to a quarter the size

While laptops continue to shrink in size and weight, the "power bricks" that charge them remain heavy and bulky. But now, MIT spinout FINsix has invented an adapter that's roughly one-quarter the size and one-sixth the weight ...

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