
Genetic engineering alters mosquitoes' sense of smell

In one of the first successful attempts at genetically engineering mosquitoes, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researchers have altered the way the insects respond to odors, including the smell of humans and the insect ...

Low-sodium diet key to a stellar old age, astronomers find

(Phys.org) —Astronomers expect that stars like the Sun will blow off much of their atmospheres into space near the ends of their lives. But new observations of a huge star cluster made using ESO's Very Large Telescope have ...

Inside the secret Symantec building that keeps websites safe

Hidden within a nondescript building here is a highly secret Symantec facility protected by the sort of measures found in nuclear missile silos. Dubbed "the vault" by some employees, the bunkerlike operation bristles with ...

Higgs Boson scientists win top Spanish prize

A British physicist and his Belgian colleague who all but identified the mysterious "God particle" that holds the universe together won a prestigious Spanish science prize on Wednesday.

Pigeons use touch screens to solve challenging problems

(Phys.org) —Go to about any public square, and you see pigeons pecking at the ground, always in search of crumbs dropped by a passerby. While the pigeons' scavenging may seem random, new research by psychologists at the ...

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