
Identical twins begin polar trek

Identical twins - Hugo and Ross Turner – will begin a unique expedition across the polar ice cap of Greenland this week, during which researchers at King's will study how modern clothes, food and equipment protect the body.

Video: Nanosponge decoy fights superbug infections

Our first instinct with infection in the body is often to find it and get rid of it! But, engineer Liangfang Zhang had another idea. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Zhang and his team at the University ...

Safer flying with satcom weather app

Pilots using a satellite service can now receive inflight updates on weather hazards and warn other aircraft of storms they see ahead.

Nitrite's significant role in nitrous oxide emissions from soil

Nitrous oxide can contribute significantly to atmospheric warming because, pound for pound, this greenhouse gas absorbs 300 times more radiation than carbon dioxide. It is also the most important stratospheric-ozone-depleting ...

NASA seeks external concepts for mission to oceanic Jovian moon

(Phys.org) —NASA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to science and engineering communities for ideas for a mission to Europa that could address fundamental questions of the enigmatic moon and the search for life ...

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