
Half a million-dollar tick

University of Oxford and Monash University scientists have discovered how proteins present in tick saliva prevent the immune system from running amok.

Ancient genes to protect modern wheat

Scientists from The University of Queensland are undertaking world-first research into ancient wheats to ensure the crop's future.

New study suggests that academics make poor entrepreneurs

The research, published in the journal Industry and Innovation, calls into question increasing pressure on universities to act as drivers of economic growth, and suggests that policy-makers focus on more vocational FE colleges ...

Pollution stifles wind, squelches rain

Like a high stakes match of rock-paper-scissors, summertime pollution trumps both wind and precipitation in the valley air near Mt. Hua. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that human-caused air pollution ...

Hot days can trigger Yosemite rockfalls

After more than three years of monitoring the towering granite cliffs of Yosemite National Park, scientists have new insights into a potentially important mechanism that can trigger rockfalls in the park. Although many conditions ...

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