
Multiculturalism 'not to blame' for failed sense of community

A research team led by Dr. Laia Bécares from The University of Manchester reveals that neighbourhoods with higher ethnic diversity are associated with higher rates of social cohesion, respect for ethnic differences, ...

Optimum use of wave energy using oscillating water column system

Engineers Modesto Amundarain and Mikel Alberdi have presented the first two PhD theses at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain) on the use of oscillating water column (OWC) converters for extracting renewable ...

Bloggers join hands to create Japan 'Quakebook'

Inspired by a desire to help victims of Japan's deadly earthquake, a group of bloggers and writers have come together through the Internet to create a book of stories about the disaster.

Biologist's work sheds light on the shape of seahorses

(PhysOrg.com) -- People are naturally fascinated by seahorses. Characters from King Neptune to Aquaman to the Little Mermaid have been depicted as using these enigmatic creatures as a means of transportation.

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