
NASA wants to put a massive telescope on the moon

As part of the Artemis Program, NASA intends to establish all the necessary infrastructure to create a "sustained program of lunar exploration and development." This includes the Lunar Gateway, an orbiting habitat that will ...

Endangered fish can live longer after cataract surgery

Humans aren't the only species to develop cataracts with age. Some animals, including dogs, cats, horses and, it turns out, fish living in captivity, can also get cataracts as they grow older.

Researchers control biofilm formation using optical traps

Biofilms—slimy layers formed when bacteria stick together on a surface—allow bacteria to shield themselves from extreme environments and even evade antibiotics. In a new study, researchers have shown that laser light ...

Nancy Grace Roman could find the first stars in the universe

In the beginning, the universe was so hot and so dense that light could not travel far. Photons were emitted, scattered, and absorbed as quickly as the photons in the heart of the brightest stars. But in time the cosmos expanded ...

Exploring the galactic habitable zone

Our planet sits in the habitable zone of our sun, the special place where water can be liquid on the surface of a world. But that's not the only thing special about us: we also sit in the galactic habitable zone, the region ...

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