
Nine-year-old boy plants seed that yields three trillion trees

Talk about mighty oaks growing from little acorns! A 9-year-old's homework assignment has led to the world's most comprehensive tree-counting project, which in turn stands to increase the value of upcoming missions from NASA ...

Scientists build a neural network using plastic memristors

A collaborative of Russian and Italian scientists has created a neural network based on polymeric memristors, devices that can potentially be used to build fundamentally new computers. According to the researchers, these ...

Court: Chemicals caused Samsung chip worker's ovarian cancer

A court said Friday that exposure to carcinogens at a Samsung chip factory caused a worker's ovarian cancer in the first ruling in South Korea to link the disease with chemicals that chip workers were exposed to.

Camouflage really does reduce the chances of being eaten

A ground-breaking study has confirmed the long held assumption that camouflage protects animals from the clutches of predators, and offers insights into the most important aspects of camouflage.

Ancient extinction of giant Australian bird points to humans

The first direct evidence that humans played a substantial role in the extinction of the huge, wondrous beasts inhabiting Australia some 50,000 years ago—in this case a 500-pound bird—has been discovered by a University ...

Gabon's eco-guards in unequal battle against elephant poachers

At the entrance to the sprawling Ivindo national park in central Gabon, wildlife guards in paramilitary uniform scour a fisherman's dug-out canoe, going through his bags of worn clothes and bait. "We're looking for arms and ...

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