
What may be the largest source of abiotic methane gas on Earth

Methane (CH4), the chief constituent of natural gas, is one of the most widely used "clean" fuels. Although methane is usually considered to originate from organic matter, recently, more and more evidence shows that methane ...

Talks kick off on global plastic trash treaty

Despite decades of effort, plastic pollution is only getting worse—a gloomy fact that representatives of almost 200 nations meeting in Uruguay Monday are determined to change.

Examining US policy-making and China's efforts in Southeast Asia

Was there effectively a "Chinese problem" in Southeast Asia in the decades following World War II, with millions of Chinese in the region potentially sympathetic to communist China? American policy-makers seem to have thought ...

Friendly fire: How conflicts can reduce stress in the workplace

Stress and conflict are unavoidable aspects of life and can be highly destructive forces when left unchecked. A survey conducted by the UK government found that work-related stress led to a loss of 17.9 million working days ...

Novel sex-determination mechanism revealed in mammals

In mammals, the distinction between male and female at the chromosomal level is due to the X and Y chromosomes. Typically, females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have an X and a Y chromosome (XY). The Sry gene on ...

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