
Is Silicon Valley ready for fully autonomous Waymo vehicles?

Waymo, the first company to get approval from the Department of Motor Vehicles to test fully self-driving vehicles on California roads, faces questions and concerns galore as it prepares to roll out the cars in Silicon Valley.

Image: Robotic hopper

This walking and hopping robot is currently being tested in ESA's Mars Yard.

5 ways to help robots work together with people

For most people today, robots and smart systems are servants that work in the background, vacuuming carpets or turning lights on and off. Or they're machines that have taken over repetitive human jobs from assembly-line workers ...

'Murder map' reveals medieval London's meanest streets

First digital map of the murders recorded by the city's Coroner in early 1300s shows Cheapside and Cornhill were homicide 'hot spots,' and Sundays held the highest risk of violent death for medieval Londoners.

Image: ExoMars rover prototype

The sun set on a week of trials for the ExoMars rover prototype named Charlie (in the foreground). The first of two field trials for the mission, known as ExoFiT, took place in the Tabernas desert in Spain between 13-26 October.

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